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ERASMUS PLUS - Mobility for study

The ERASMUS PLUS - Mobility for study Program was established by the European Union with the aim of creating a European educational space and encouraging the mobility of students, faculty and staff involved in education-related activities.
 The Erasmus Action of that program is dedicated specifically to higher education institutions and thus to the mobility of students and faculty at the university level.
 The participation of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in this program makes it possible to organize the exchange of students and faculty between universities in countries that are members of the European Union or linked to it by special agreements.
 The mobility of students is promoted to enable them to take official courses abroad that will be recognized by their home university, proceed to the partial or total preparation of their theses and even, in the presence of specific agreements, obtain a double degree (double degree and double diploma).
 Teacher mobility is aimed at studying the teaching organization of foreign institutions, arranging student exchanges and conducting courses or parts of official courses and/or seminars abroad.
 Each year the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia signs an Institutional Contract with the European Commission indicating all the activities it intends to carry out under the program.
 On the basis of bilateral agreements with each individual partner university, mobility grants are activated for students of the various courses of study.

Cards cliccabili
Erasmus+ Mobility for Studies Program Announcement

The number of credits that can be acquired abroad is limited to a total of 35 credits for a semester and 70 credits for a full year (consistent with any other regulations established by the two locations). It is possible to obtain an extension in the recognition of credits up to 45 for a semester, 90 for a year, using credits for extracurricular disciplines (in addition to the 180 credits provided for the bachelor's degree and 120 provided for the master's degree).
 The learning agreement is prepared in cooperation with the exchange coordinator/coordinator respecting the following basic principles:

  • the choice of courses at the target university should correspond as closely as possible in content and objectives to the courses at the departing university; where it does not correspond, the choice of courses at the target university should be consistent, again in content and objectives, with the student's curriculum and study plan;
  • For the language exams, in addition to attending the practical exercises/lectures, it is necessary to attend the official language classes;
  • exams taken under the Erasmus+ Program are released from propaedeuticity rules;
  • For the validation of the examinations of each language (in addition to academic examinations), the achievement of the level in language skills as stipulated by course of study for each language and year is required. 

The Learning Agreement duly signed by the exchange officer of the departing university must be verified and countersigned by the coordinator of the host university. 
Within 30 days after the start of the semester at the host university, the Learning Agreement including any changes made to the originally agreed study plan and indicated on the appropriate form (Learning Agreement Changes) must be emailed to the International Relations Office (

Upon completion of the Erasmus stay, the learning agreement and Transcript of Records must be emailed by the student to the International Relations Office (

The Department Council, in its meeting of March 21, 2013, resolved that, with reference to the students who were successful in the 2013/2014 Erasmus study call and from now on, it is forbidden to have students take exam integrations if the number of credits acquired in the host university is lower than the number of credits provided for in the study plan of the starting university. There is, however, provision for the rebate of a limited number of credits following the following rule: 
FOR UNIMORE EXAMINATIONS FROM 6 CFU: rebate of 1 missing credit 
FOR UNIMORE EXAMINATIONS FROM 12 CFU: rebate of 3 missing credits 
The total bonus, however, shall not exceed the number of 6 credits.
 Where it will not be possible to validate the exam because it lacks more credits than can be rebated, the same exam will be validated in the choice credits, and the student will fully take the unvalidated curriculum exam at his or her home university.

Evaluation of examinations

Credits are obtained only in correspondence with an examination.
 At least two-thirds of the credits must be submitted with assessment for grading on exams taken abroad. The remaining credits are graded 18 for each credit. The final grade is determined as a weighted average.
 Please also note that in order to avoid inaccuracies, it is necessary to submit requests for recognition of Erasmus exams using the appropriate form that must be prepared and signed by the exchange coordinating teacher. The delivery of said documentation must be made by the student strictly within 6 months from the date of his or her return to Italy.

For the processing of the files, complete with Transcript of records and any language certifications obtained in Erasmus, it is necessary to contact the exchange coordinating teacher, who will process and collect the various exam recognition files and perform further checking of the files before approval by the Departmental collegiate body. Approval of the file for recognition of exams taken in Erasmus takes place within 30 days of the student's or student's delivery of the complete documentation and consistent with the schedule of meetings of the Departmental collegiate body.