The ERASMUS+ - Mobility for Study program, established by the European Union, aims to foster an international educational space and promote the mobility of students.
Thanks to the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia’s participation in this program, students can engage in exchange opportunities with universities in European and extra-European countries.
Student mobility is encouraged to enable students to take officially recognized courses abroad, work on their thesis (partially or fully), and, in some cases, obtain a double degree through specific agreements.
Through bilateral agreements with partner universities, mobility scholarships are made available to students from various degree programs.
La Commissione per l’Internazionalizzazione di Dipartimento, in fase di selezione delle candidature presentate per l’Erasmus+ per Studio, valuta i seguenti criteri, attribuendo a ciascuno il seguente peso percentuale:
- congruenza dell’attività proposta dalla studentessa/dallo studente con la carriera universitaria e con l’offerta didattica della sede ospitante - Max 30%;
- curriculum accademico, ossia media ponderata dei voti per le studentesse/gli studenti iscritte/i a lauree triennali; voto di laurea e media ponderata per le/gli iscritte/i a lauree magistrali; numero di crediti ottenuti per anno dalle singole candidate/dai singoli candidati. Le studentesse/gli studenti che hanno conseguito il titolo di laurea triennale all’estero devono allegare il certificato di laurea comprensivo di esami sostenuti e voto di laurea - Max 30%;
- verifica del livello di competenza linguistica attraverso il possesso di certificazioni linguistiche da allegare obbligatoriamente alla candidatura, le informazioni riportate nell’allegato 2 (OBBLIGATORIO) ed eventuale test di verifica dei requisiti linguistici (gli OFA non sostituiscono il test di verifica di competenza linguistica) - Max 35%;
- attribuzione di 5 punti aggiuntivi per l'assegnazione della sede espressa dalla studentessa/dallo studente come prima preferenza in fase di candidatura
Non sono previsti colloqui individuali motivazionali. Sono invece previsti test di verifica delle competenze linguistiche (per le candidate/i candidati al doppio titolo è obbligatorio sostenere il colloquio motivazionale).
Il calendario dei test di verifica delle competenze linguistiche ed eventuali casi di esonero dagli stessi saranno resi noti con congruo anticipo tramite il sito del Dipartimento (l'avviso fungerà da convocazione).Non saranno previste date suppletive per il test di verifica del livello di competenza linguistica.
The number of credits that can be earned abroad is limited to a total of 35 credits per semester and 70 credits for a full academic year (depending on any additional regulations set by the two institutions). It is possible to extend credit recognition up to 45 credits per semester and 90 credits per year by including extracurricular course credits (beyond the 180 credits for a bachelor's degree and 120 credits for a master's degree).
The learning agreement is developed in collaboration with the exchange coordinator, following these key principles:
- Courses selected at the host university should match the content and objectives of the courses at the home university as closely as possible. If a perfect match is not feasible, the selected courses should still align with the student’s overall study plan and academic curriculum.
- For language courses, students must attend both practical language classes and academic language courses.
- Exams taken in the Erasmus+ Program are exempt from any prerequisite rules.
- For the validation of language exams (together with academic exams), students must meet the language proficiency requirements specified by their study program for each language and academic year.
The Learning Agreement, once signed by the home university’s exchange coordinator, must be approved and co-signed by the coordinator at the host university.
Within 30 days of the semester's start at the host university, the learning agreement, along with any changes made to the original study plan (as indicated in the "Changes to Learning Agreement" section of the Learning Agreement), must be submitted via email to the International Relations Office (
On conclusion of the Erasmus period, the learning agreement and the Transcript of Records must be emailed by the student to the International Relations Office (
On March 21, 2013, the Department Board (“Giunta di Dipartimento”) decided that, from the 2013/2014 academic year onwards, extra exams (“integrazioni”) are not allowed if the number of credits earned at the host university is lower than that required by the study plan at the home university. However, a limited number of missing credits may be granted to students according to the following guidelines:
- For UNIMORE 6 ECTS exams: 1 missing credit granted
- For UNIMORE 9/10 ECTS exams: 2 missing credits granted
- For UNIMORE 12 ECTS exams: 3 missing credits granted
The total number of missing credits granted cannot exceed 6 ECTS.
If an exam cannot be validated because the number of missing credits exceeds the allowed number of missing credits, the exam will be recognized as elective credits. In such cases, the student will have to take the full exam for the unvalidated course at the home university.
Credits are awarded only after successful completion of assessments. To receive a grade for exams taken abroad, at least two-thirds of the credits must have a formal grade. The remaining credits will be automatically assigned a grade of 18/30 per credit. The final grade will be calculated as a weighted average.
To ensure accuracy, requests for Erasmus exam recognition must be submitted using the designated form, which needs to be completed and signed by the home university’s exchange coordinator. Students must submit this documentation within 6 months of their return to Italy.
For processing the forms, including the Transcript of Records and any language certifications obtained during Erasmus, students should contact the exchange coordinator. The coordinator will prepare and gather the exam recognition forms and carry out a final review before approval by the Department Board (“Giunta di Dipartimento”). Approval of the Erasmus exam recognition will be completed within 30 days of receiving the complete documentation from the student, depending on the Department Board’s meeting schedule.
Credit recognition will be approved at the Department Board meeting following the submission of the forms. The minutes will be sent from the Department’s Administrative Office to the Student Services Office, which will update the credits in the student’s records (“libretto”).