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The Internship (or Stage) consists of a period of job training in companies, organizations, associations, and foundations that welcome students and recent graduates within their facilities to launch them into the world of work.

The duration of the internship varies, although the regulations set a limit of 6 months (24 months for handicapped individuals).

There are two types of internships that the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia activates: curricular (for students) and extra-curricular (post-graduate). For the latter, it is important to remember that as of July 1, 2019, the new ER Regional Law No. 1 of March 4, 2019 bearing "Provisions on internships. Amendments to Regional Law August 1, 2005, No. 17 . Due to this amendment, the organization of all postgraduate internships by the Department has been suspended. For the activation of these "extra-curricular" Internships, which are the internships aimed at recent graduates who wish to experience a first approach to the world of work, it is necessary to apply to the accredited Regional Employment Agencies and Employment Services.

For curricular internships of students pertaining to the Department of Language and Cultural Studies,  please contact the organizational tutor, who receives students, in person and remotely, by appointment requested by e-mail by writing to .

  • Sponsoring entity (University)
  • Company (host party)
  • Intern (student)

     The University organizes the internship through the collaboration of two parties:
  • Organizational tutor (Luca Rubbiani)
  • Scientific or academic tutor (university lecturer of the student's choice)

The Company will appoint a company mentor, which is the person who will be responsible for training the trainee within the Company.

What is meant by scientific tutor?

The scientific (or academic) tutor is the figure who will ascertain, at the end of the internship period, the actual educational experience gained through the work activity. This is a university lecturer, chosen by the student, who teaches the subject most akin to the internship being held. For example, if you are in a role where you have contact with foreign customers, it will be appropriate to choose a language lecturer (perhaps of the language predominantly used). At the time of activation, it will be necessary for the student to indicate only the name of such a lecturer who has confirmed to hold the role of scientific tutor at, so the student can contact the desired lecturer simply by e-mail, specifying where the experience is taking place (name, address of the company/body) and the activity that has been proposed by the host institution and that he/she will therefore carry out during the internship.

The training internship is commuted into educational credits (1 credit is equal to 25 hours of work), previously validated by the scientific tutor.
 The student(s) can use the credits of their choice for the formative internship. It is possible to agree to stay in the company for a longer period and for the scientific tutor to evaluate the project suitable for the acquisition of more credits.

Labor reality does not think in terms of credits but in terms of "training" and "skills"; therefore, the internships offered vary in duration depending on the project proposed by the company measured in months and not hours.
 Companies (especially large ones), according to their needs, may propose internships of a longer duration than the hours required to obtain credits. The student(s) will gain curricular enrichment and the opportunity to be evaluated with a view to future employment.

Curricular internships are unpaid.  They do not constitute work activity but training activity.
They consist of an interchange between work performance and training activity (work culture orientation, learning a task, practical application of theoretical skills).
The Company may decide at its total discretion to bestow upon the Trainee any reimbursement of expenses.

Trainees can choose between two options:

1) contacting companies that collaborate with the Department of Language and Cultural Studies 
Students who wish to apply for an internship training following this procedure need to arrange for the submission - via e-mail to - of their curriculum vitae. 
Periodically they will be posted on the DSLC Internship Office facebook page via a private group to access which you need to apply. Internship offers come from various contexts (corporate, private entities, local entities, public agencies).

2) take advantage of own contacts 
The aspiring intern who has found, on his or her own behalf, a company willing to host him or her for an internship should forward an email to the organizational mentor; he or she will receive, in response, the procedure to be followed to activate the internship.

3) Placement Services bulletin board 
It is also possible to browse the internship vacancies available on the UNIMORE Placement Services bulletin board.

Students who, according to the internship access criteria of their course, are about to start the internship should notify in order to prepare the necessary documentation.

Under no circumstances is it possible to start the internship before the conclusion of the training project.

Facebook page Internship Office

1. For the Host (Companies/Entities).

Companies NEED TO REGISTER (Instructions on the Placement Platform.

The Platform allows already registered companies to apply for the Internship Agreement and then prepare one or more Training Projects.
Registered Companies need to log in:

Access for companies already registered

Password recovery for already registered companies

2. For Students

In order to access the Placement Services Portal to view, print and sign their Training Projects, UNIMORE students must necessarily be registered in Almalaurea and have completed/updated their curriculum vitae.

Students/graduates already registered

Password recovery for Students/graduates 

New registration:
Master's students 
Ph.D. students 

After logging into their personal AlmaGo page, the student selects "Internships. Manage your internships" in order to view the details and status of the Training Project requested by the host.
N.B. : The Training Project can only be entered by the host entity.

At the end of the internship, the student completes the internship form together with the scientific tutor.

The procedure for submitting documentation for approval of internship credits is as follows:

1. Sending of attendance table and internship form to the scientific tutor, for affixing credit and signature, via email specifying in the subject line "for the Council" and with a request to the tutor to send the documentation to the address that will have been indicated by the Internship Office at the start of the file;

2. tutor affixes credits on the internship form, signs and sends to the address of educational coordination;

3. the educational coordination will include the completed file in the Departmental Council minutes for formalization of credits.

Credit recognition will take place at the Departmental Council meeting following the delivery of the forms. The minutes will be forwarded by the Departmental Secretary to the Student Secretary's Office, who will update the credits on the transcript.

N.B. Curricular internships can also be activated without the purpose of credit recognition (voluntary internship), as long as the internship takes place within the period of attendance of the degree course.
