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Departmental Quality is part of the university's overall Quality system. The Department is fully responsible for Education, Research, and Third Mission/Social Impact activities. University Accreditation includes Quality for Study Programs, which the Department develops and approves, as well as Quality for Research and Third Mission/Social Impact activities.

Quality for Research and the Third Mission involve outlining the responsibilities and procedures through which the Department manages, implements, and monitors these activities. The Director is responsible for ensuring the quality of both Research and the Third Mission/Social Impact, working within the framework established by the Department Regulations.

The Department's Quality procedures involve:

  • Creating a Three-Year Plan: This plan sets goals for Education, Research, and Third Mission/Social Impact and outlines the actions and resources needed to achieve these goals. It aligns with the goals defined at the University level, but also adopts specific objectives consistent with the Department’s scientific and cultural interests. Pending potential revisions by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes), the Three-Year Departmental Plan incorporates the SUA-RD (Self-Assessment Report for Research) and the strategic planning for research in the Department.
  • Setting Clear Criteria for Resource Distribution: This includes the allocation of human, financial, and infrastructural resources.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: The Department tracks activities and checks if goals are being met. An Annual Report is prepared to review progress and Quality objectives.
  • Self-Assessment: The Department evaluates how well it is implementing Research and Third Mission activities and compares the results that have been achieved with expected outcomes. It identifies strengths, areas for improvement, and plans corrective actions, documented in an Annual Report.