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The Erasmus+ Program allows all students to have access to internships - from two to twelve months - in companies, training and research centers (excluding European institutions or organizations that manage European programs) located in one of the countries participating in the Program. Erasmus students, who may receive an EU grant for the internship period, have the opportunity to acquire specific skills and a better understanding of the socioeconomic culture of the host country. Selection is made on the basis of a University Call for Applications.

The internship abroad can also be done under the Erasmus+ for Traineeship mobility program. The student to participate in the program must apply to the call for applications published by the International Relations Office.

The Department Internationalization Committee, when selecting applications submitted for Erasmus+ for Traineeship, considers the possession of the company's letter of acceptance as a preferential qualification and also evaluates the company's research efforts and motivation as well as the student's/trainee's academic record, giving each criterion the following percentage weight:

  • Possession of the company's acceptance letter - 30 percent
  • motivation and goals - Max 20%
  • Feasibility analysis of the professional mobility project - if already defined - Max 15%
  • university career evaluation/curriculum vitae - Max 15%
  • language proficiency - Max 10%
  • previous experience abroad - Max 10%

The Commission also establishes a priority to enrolled and enrolled in the last years of the Courses, also taking into account the credits achieved, as well as to candidates and applicants who have not previously carried out any other formative internship with recognition of educational credits.

Selection is made by filling out a questionnaire. Failure to fill out the questionnaire in time will result in exclusion from the program.

Eligible female and male students placed on the ranking list possess Erasmus+ student status. Assignees and scholarship recipients additionally get financial aid.

Finding the company should be done independently, possibly using the contacts available to the Department or by contacting the Europe Direct service of the City of Modena.

Any public or private organization active in the labor market or in the field of education, training, youth, research and innovation is eligible

The following organizations are not eligible: EU institutions and other bodies, including specialized agencies; organizations that manage EU programs, such as Erasmus+ national agencies.

If in doubt, contact the Office of International Relations for evaluation of eligibility of the entity or company.

The student found to be a recipient of the Erasmus+ for Traineeship grant/status, in order to start the internship must:

  1. identify the company willing to host the internship, make arrangements with it, and request that it send a letter of acceptance according to the template attached to the announcement (if you have not already done so at the application stage);
  2. complete, in agreement with the company, the learning agreement provided by the International Relations Office; complete it with your own signature and that of the company then send it to Francesca Bergamini
  3. Contact Prof. Donatella Malavasi who will serve as scientific tutor (CdD 21/02/2024)
  4. contact the Departmental Internship Office ( for follow-up.

At the end of the internship, the student should send the attendance table and the end of internship form to the scientific tutor via e-mail (putting "for the Council" in the subject line); the scientific tutor will complete with credits and signature the internship form then to the Departmental Council for its validation.

Curricular internships (which produce credits) can also be held abroad; students interested in activating an internship abroad must follow the procedure below:

  1. Identify the company willing to host the internship, possibly using the contacts available to the Department;
  2. Require the company to send a letter of acceptance;
  3. Identify and contact the department faculty member(s) who will serve as scientific mentor;
  4. contact the Department Internship Office ( for the necessary steps to enter into the agreement and training project.

At the end of the internship, the student should send the attendance table and the end of internship form to the scientific tutor via e-mail (putting "for the Council" in the subject line); the scientific tutor will complete with credits and signature the internship form then to the Departmental Council for its validation.