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Horizon 2020

P.I. Matteo Al Kalak; co-P.I. Maria Chiara Rioli

Partners: Sorbonne Université, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Unhcr Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés Hcr, Universiteit Leiden, Ethniko kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS, Università degli Studi di Milano, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (for the year 2021), Aps - Archive of Migrant Memories, Association Arcs Tunisie, Institute Of Geography Named H. A. Aliyev National Academy of Sciences Azerbaijan, Universiteit Al Akhawayn d'Ifrane.A. Aliyev National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Universite Al Akhawayn d'Ifrane

AMIF 2022

P.I. Claudio Baraldi

International partners: City of Mechelen (BE, coordinator), City of Modena, City of Fuenlabrada (ES), City of Vienna (A), City of Livadia (GR), Metropolitan City of Grenoble (F), International Institute of Humanitarian Law (I), Karel de Grote Hogeschool (BE)

MARTINET – Musicians in the “Republic of Letters”: For a Social Network Analysis of Giambattista Martini’s Correspondence

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship, Harvard – UNIMORE

Fellow: Riccardo Castagnetti

Supervisor: Matteo Al Kalak


Handwritten correspondence was a vital means of communication during the 18th Century. Through their letters, people kept in touch with family and friends, exchanged information, sought patronage, and did business. Musicians’ correspondence bears witness to every aspect of musical life, as well as to socio-economic issues related to music production and consumption. The overarching objective of the project is to create a representation of the 18th-century European musical environment through the reconstruction and analysis of the correspondence and epistolary network that Franciscan friar Giambattista Martini (1706-1784) entertained with musicians, music lovers, scholars and editors, men and women, from across Italy and from Europe’s most important courts and musical centers. Until now, research has been restricted to the 6,000 letters received from some 970 correspondents collected in Martini's library. No serious attempt has been carried out to gather the huge number of letters that he sent to his correspondents, hosted in many libraries, archives and private collections on a global scale. Moreover, the methodologies followed have reduced epistolary content to a static dataset, not considering that it is the output of dynamic social network, requiring a philological, historical, and sociological approach within the epistemological framework provided by the digital humanities. The research will focus on an extensive archival investigation on a global scale and a detailed indexation to identify the key themes of the correspondence. Finally, specific topics of the correspondence will be categorised, applying the Social Network Analysis tools. Under the supervision of internationally renowned specialists of modern history of music and culture, the MSCA-GF will be implemented by a fellow with skills in 18th century musicians’ correspondence analysis, and provide him outstanding training in the digital humanities and social network analysis.


Erasmus+, KA3 - 2016-2018

P.I. Claudio Baraldi

Participants: Vittorio Iervese, Chiara Ballestri (assignee)

International partners: University of Jena; University of Suffolk

HORIZON 2020 - 2019-2022

P.I. Claudio Baraldi

Participants: Laura Gavioli, Vittorio Iervese, Elisa Rossi., Sara Amadasi (assignee), Chiara Ballestri (assignee)

International Partners: Université de Liege (Belgium); Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Finland); Zentrum für Forschung, Weiterbildung und Beratung - Evangelische Hochschule Dresden (Germany); Jagiellonian University Krakow (Poland); Malmö University (Sweden) University of Northampton (The United Kingdom), International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Italy), Federation des Régions pour la Recherche, l'Education et la Formation (France), European School Head Association (The Netherlands)

Local partners: schools in Modena and its province, Reggio Emilia and its province, Modena Municipality, Modena and Reggio Emilia School Offices; Mediando cooperative, Gulliver cooperative, Dimora d'Abramo cooperative; Pro.di.Gio association; CEIS Onlus.