Master's degree programs last two years and the degree is awarded after acquiring 120 university credits (CFUs).
To be admitted to a master's degree program, you need a bachelor's degree or a three-year university diploma, or another degree obtained abroad and recognized as suitable.
The Athenaeum establishes specific access criteria for each master's degree program that require, even in the case of courses without a programmed number, the possession of curricular requirements and the adequacy of personal preparation.
The pages of the individual master's degree courses explain the criteria for admission.
Students can apply for evaluation to access to the master's degree program even if they plan to obtain the degree by December, therefore, in the academic year that has begun; they can, therefore, matriculate only after having obtained the degree and having been evaluated as suitable by the course of study, according to the procedures established by the same.
The legal value of the degree awarded in each master's degree program is defined by the ministerial class to which the course belongs: courses of study in the same class have the same legal value, so they allow access to the same public competitions.
MA graduates in LACOM have an excellent command of at least two foreign languages and a deep knowledge of cultural, economic, and legal issues related to various areas of professional interest. They are able to translate a wide range of specialised texts and, using their acquired awareness of cultural differences, act as language and cultural mediators in oral interactions between people of different countries.