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The Department of Studies on Language and Culture (DSLC) is characterized by dialogue and mediation between different disciplinary areas in the study of the variety of languages, literary and cultural expressions in the dynamic and multifaceted context of contemporary societies.

The teaching and research that the DSLC promotes is developed from the connections and confluences between the areas of linguistics, translation and literature, history, sociology, anthropology and philosophy, economics and law, with a focus on digital communication.

In teaching, this multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach is expressed in the variety of degree courses, in which these disciplinary areas meet, through innovative teaching, promoting the emergence of knowledge and skills crucial for participation in new forms of communication. The educational offerings are also characterized by a rich diversification of curricula within the courses of study, aimed at the creation of cultural and professional profiles expendable for entry into the labor market, in close collaboration with local, national and international realities. The exchange between knowledge and languages intersects with the internationalization of studies.

The DSLC promotes interdisciplinary research, including important collaborations with areas of informatics and medicine. The research groups and laboratories present an extensive scientific production, which is placed both in the local and regional context, through contacts with public administrations and enterprises, and in the national and European context through numerous contacts between departments and researchers, as well as in the context of international research networks and projects.

The most important areas of teaching, research and third mission involve:

  • forms of communication (texts, forms of discourse, institutional interaction and linguistic-cultural mediation), including from the creation and study of corpora;
  • The translation and circulation of specialized texts;
  • historical studies on ideologies, nationalisms, identity constructions, and cultural movements;
  • The historical-artistic-literary heritage;
  • The history of philosophical and scientific ideas and problems in the philosophy of language;
  • anthropological and ethnographic studies of contemporary society;
  • studies on religions, with a focus on Christianity and Islam.

The DSLC disseminates the results of its research through its third mission and public engagement activities, and by creating opportunities for training and professional development, with special attention to the world of schooling and education, communication professionals, arts and cultural organizations and institutions, and businesses in the regional and national territory.