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The evaluation of teaching and thus the completion of OPIS evaluation questionnaires will begin on December 1, 2023 until February 28, 2024.

Students are expected to express their opinions for all teachings conducted in the FIRST semester a.y. 2023-2024.

Second semester and annual teachings will be evaluated from May 1 until July 31, 2024.

The assessment is MANDATORY and failure to complete the questionnaire prevents registration for all exam dates of the January - February 2024 session.

Students who intend to take the exams in the June July or September 2024 session are equally required to complete them within the period December 1, 2023 - February 28, 2024.

OUT OF COURSE students are excluded from the evaluation.

Evaluation of teaching

The student's opinion is important for the purposes of a new phase of the University's evaluation system, which has just been defined by ministerial bodies (A.V.A. = Self-Evaluation, Periodic Evaluation and Accreditation of the Italian University System). The student is asked to give his or her opinion on the courses he or she has attended by answering an online questionnaire of teaching evaluation.

The questionnaire is anonymous, easy to fill out and allows the student to report strengths and weaknesses he or she has experienced regarding the teaching activities of the degree program in which he or she is enrolled.
 Toward the end of each semester of classes, the evaluation of all teaching is requested. 
Information about the period in which to carry out the evaluation of teaching is on Esse3, and the results from the processing of the data arising from the questionnaires are published in the Quality Assurance section 


To fill out the teaching evaluation questionnaire, you need to log on to Esse3 > login > University services.

The page will show the list of teachings: the student can evaluate them by clicking on the "attending" or "not attending" button, depending on how the course was enrolled.

If the course you want to evaluate does not appear in the list, click on "Search for educational activity among those offered by your degree course."

For completion, reference should be made to the Online Educational Evaluation Questionnaire Completion Guide.

For technical difficulties you can write to

Why it is important

The evaluation of teaching is an important moment of participation in university life for students, a moment that should  be approached with seriousness and a sense of responsibility since it is important for the University to know the students' point of view; their opinion is fundamental for reflecting on how to improve teaching activities and offer a more adequate service. The questionnaire is an important listening tool and for the student an unmissable opportunity to make his or her voice heard.

Completion of online curricula will begin from Dec. 1, 2023 until April 30, 2024.

Students will log in on the Esse 3 student page and with their credentials access the Student Area, select Menu and Study Plan.

Students must fill out the plan:

- of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of the degree program in European Languages and Cultures (LCE);

- of the 2ndand 3rd year of the Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary History and Cultures (SCC) program;

- of the 1st and 2nd year of the master's degree program in Languages, Cultures, Communication (LCC);

- of the 1st and 2nd year of the master's degree program in Language for Communication in International Enterprises and Organizations (LACOM);

- of the 2nd year of the master's degree program in Anthropology and History of the Contemporary World (ASMC).

Out-of-course students are excluded from the compilation.

Completion of teaching evaluation questionnaires (OPIS questionnaires) and registration for examinations is subject to completion of the study plan.

Compilation of the plan can be done independently.

The Department of Language and Cultural Studies will activate a compilation assistance service through the collaboration of a senior student from December 1, 2023.

We suggest sticking to the following order:

1) Filling out curriculum online;

2) Evaluation of teaching (OPIS questionnaires);

3) Registration for exam dates

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