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The student(s) (both bachelor's and master's degree) must enter the degree attainment application in ESSE3 at least 1 MONTH PRIOR to the graduation call through the following steps:

1. choose the session and roll call for graduation;

2. check the "Exams taken" tab and fill in the "Exams not yet passed" tab if necessary;

3. enter thesis data (title, thesis advisor, etc...), which may be changed up to 21 days before graduation.

By entering the graduation application, the system automatically bills 2 revenue stamps, so the stamp on the graduation application will be discharged virtually. The Student Secretariat will check the regularity of these payments.

The graduation application (for both bachelor's and master's degrees) should not be printed, should not be signed (either by the student, the advisor, or the co-rapporteur), and should not be sent to any office.

At least 21 days before the graduation appeal arrange to:

(a) COMPLETION OF THE TITLE AWARD APPLICATION respecting the following points: Indicate whether the thesis is compilative or research;

1. Indicate the final title of the thesis (if the thesis is in a foreign language, the title will be in the foreign language of the thesis);

2. Give the name of the speaker and, if applicable, the co-rapporteur;

4. type at least 5 keywords;

4. declare exclusion or inclusion in the Almalaurea database. If applying for inclusion, it is mandatory to complete the relevant questionnaire

5. select "title attainment application" so as not to lose all the data entered.

Such confirmation is essential for the application to be successful;

6. provide for the PAYMENT of the BOLLs.

From the personal page in esse3, under Fees, arrange for the payment of stamps, amounting to 32.00 euros (16 euros for the graduation application and 16 euros for the future parchment).


The uploaded file is not replaceable. The thesis advisor receives an email of successful upload. Subsequently, within 48 hours of receiving the email, the lecturer-reporter through the appropriate function in ESSE3, can approve or reject the thesis work and the student will be notified by email

If the thesis is rejected, in agreement with one's thesis advisor and if there is still time to meet the thesis deposit deadline the student can upload a second paper for re-evaluation in esse3 (the history remains in esse3).

If the thesis is approved, but the student cannot be admitted to the graduation examination because, for example, he or she is in default on an exam, the approved thesis is also valid for subsequent graduation sessions without needing to be cancelled and re-uploaded

The deadline to take an exam, valid for the graduation session, is 21 days before the session.

It is illegal to use the university logo.

At least 21 days before the graduation appeal arrange the following:

(a) COMPLETE THE TITLE AWARD APPLICATION IN ESSE 3 by complying with the following points:

1. Indicate whether the thesis is compilative or research;

2. Indicate the final title of the thesis (if the thesis is in a foreign language, the title will be in the foreign language of the thesis);

4. enter the abstract (mandatory in ITALIAN; optional in ENGLISH);

5. type at least 5 keywords;

6. declare exclusion or inclusion in the Almalaurea database. If you apply for inclusion, it is mandatory to fill out the relevant questionnaire;

7. select complete title achievement application" so as not to lose all the data entered. This confirmation is essential for the application to be successful;

8. provide for the PAYMENT of the BOLLs.

From the personal page in esse3, under Fees, arrange for the payment of stamps, amounting to 32.00 euros (16 euros for the graduation application and 16 euros for the future parchment);


by logging on to the Morethesis website proceed as follows:

1) Create the thesis title page,

2) Attach the paper.

The title page should contain the student's signature only.

Regarding the paper, starting 21 days before the graduation call, it is noted that it is possible to revise the uploaded text, while meeting the deadline for entering the final paper into the Morethesis platform of three days before the graduation session.

Please note, however, this deadline must be agreed with the lecturer and co-rapporteur.

With each file entered/edited, an email is automatically sent to the thesis advisor in order to learn the progress of the thesis. The thesis advisor has the right, up to 3 days before the graduation session, to block the title achievement if the thesis is not satisfactory by notifying the student and the student secretary.


Download the Moretehesis forms, listed below, fill them out and email them to

- Thesis title page generated by uploading the paper file,

- electronic thesis deeposito form,

- Embargo form (where applicable).

Those who decide to cancel the graduation application should delete the files entered on the Morethesis website and notify and the student secretary.