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The master's thesis is written in Italian or in a foreign language, in agreement with the supervisor or thesis advisor.

The title of the thesis written in a foreign language must be defined both in Italian and in the foreign language, and both formulations must be stated on the header of the final paper itself.

As a guideline, the length of the text should be no less than 200,000 characters for the final paper. All spaces, footnotes and bibliography are included in the calculation.

The layout of the text should have the following characteristics:

  • Times New Roman font (or similar) 
  • font size: 12 points
  • line spacing no greater than 1.5
  • A4 page size
  • distances from the sheet margins of not less than 2 cm and not more than 3 cm.

The text, written with a word-processor, should include the following information: full name, full title of the final paper; table of contents of the entire paper and bibliography (even if provisional).
 Pages should be numbered and the text should be paginated to leave room for corrections and comments.

For placement of any lists with transcription symbols, legends, etc., ask the person who serves as the speaker. 
The title page is produced through the Morethesis procedure. Reproducing the University logo on the title page is prohibited.


The writing of the thesis entitles the student to the number of educational credits defined by course regulations. It is possible to take advantage of a greater number of credits by adding those of the internship and/or those of the examination of choice in the form of structured activities (coordinated by the thesis advisor or the supervisor and aimed at the final examination), to be recognized through the deliberations of the Departmental Council by adopting a procedure similar to that followed for the recognition of internship credits.

Rapporteur/speaker and co-rapporteur/co-rapporteur.

The role of rapporteur can be filled by researchers and contract lecturers who can be rapporteurs only if a tenured lecturer is a co-rapporteur: this ensures continuity of assistance to the student(s) in the writing of their paper even in the event that the work is still in progress when the lecturer's contract expires.

For master's degrees, whoever has the role of the supervisor, after assigning the topic, identifies a co-rapporteur or co-rapporteur and communicates the name of the co-rapporteur or co-rapporteur to the student(s) so that they can get in touch and define together how to intervene. The co-rapporteur or co-rapporteur may make a judgment when the work is completed (i.e., reads the paper when it is final) or may follow the development of the thesis in agreement with the supervisor/co-rapporteur.

It should be noted that those coming to the end of the master's degree in Languages for communication in enterprises and organizations (LACOM) should refer to the specific course directions.

Law on plagiarism or false attribution of another's work

Please note that copying in whole or in part from other texts (printed or found on the web) by making the copied parts appear as one's own is tantamount to plagiarism or false attribution of someone else's work, and that it is (among other things) a criminal offense (Law No. 475 / 1925), as well as a form of fraud against the teaching staff and the student body and undergraduates.

In cases of established plagiarism, the law provides, in addition to other penalties, for the cancellation of the title (here, of Degree) wrongfully obtained.

If there is any uncertainty, on how to cite others' works and the most appropriate writing style, ask the speaker.


In the copies of the thesis, on electronic media uploaded to Morethesis, any thanks may be included only for very special cases, if, for example, some external, institutional figure has given the thesis candidate access to documents, funds or information that would otherwise be difficult to find.
 In all other cases, please do not include thanks to faculty or family members (such thanks may be included only in the candidate's personal copy).

Languages for communication in international enterprises and organizations

The abstract should be in Italian and in both foreign languages studied. Abstracts should be placed at the beginning of the work (after the title page and before the Table of Contents), on unnumbered pages

The order of the parts is as follows:

  1. Title page (unnumbered page) 
  2. Summaries (unnumbered pages) 
  3. Table of contents or table of contents (unnumbered pages) 
  4. Introduction and other chapters (numbered pages) 
  5. Bibliography (numbered pages)
  6. Appendices [if any] (numbered pages)


The final grade is expressed in hundredths with possible addition of honors. The final grade is derived from the sum of two factors:

1) the score based on the PONDERED average of the exams taken in the course of study; 
2) the score assigned to the final exam.

The chairperson of the judging committee is responsible for ensuring the utmost rigor in the application of the scoring criteria to the final examination; details by individual degree program are given below:

Up to student cohort 2019

Band A: excellent theses (8-10)

Band B: good theses: (5-7)

Band C: decent theses (1-4 points)

Band D: deficient or very deficient theses (0 points)

Praise is awarded only if the thesis is in band A and the discussion is excellent.

From 2020 student cohort

Band A: excellent theses (7-8 points)

Band B: good theses (4-6 points)

Band C: decent theses (2-3 points)

Band D: deficient or very deficient theses (0-1 point)

Praise is awarded only if the thesis is in band A and the discussion is excellent.

LACOM Thesis

The abstract should be in Italian and in both foreign languages studied. Abstracts should be placed at the beginning of the work (after the title page and before the Table of Contents), on unnumbered pages

The order of the parts is as follows:

  1. Title page (unnumbered page) 
  2. Summaries (unnumbered pages) 
  3. Table of contents or table of contents (unnumbered pages) 
  4. Introduction and other chapters (numbered pages) 
  5. Bibliography (numbered pages)
  6. Appendices [if any] (numbered pages)


The final grade is expressed in hundredths with possible addition of honors. The final grade is derived from the sum of two factors:

1) the score based on the PONDERED average of the exams taken in the course of study; 
2) the score assigned to the final exam.

The chairperson of the judging committee is responsible for ensuring the utmost rigor in the application of the scoring criteria to the final examination; details by individual degree program are given below:

Band A: excellent theses: 8-10

Band B: good theses: 5-7

Band C: decent theses: 1-4 points

Band D: deficient or very deficient theses: 0 points

Praise is awarded only if the thesis is in band A and the discussion is excellent.

The abstract must be in a curricular foreign language (or in Italian, if the thesis is written in a foreign language). Abstracts should be placed at the end of the paper (unless otherwise directed by the Supervisor)

The order of the parts is as follows:

  1. Title page (unnumbered page) 
  2. Table of contents or table of contents (unnumbered pages) 
  3. Introduction and other chapters (numbered pages) 
  4. Bibliography (numbered pages)
  5. Appendices [if any] (numbered pages)
  6. Summaries (unnumbered pages) 

Timeframe for the student to submit the thesis paper for overall evaluation:

to the Rapporteur (who is supposed to have followed the work through its milestones anyway): not less than 30 days before the graduation session (unless adjustments are to be made within the time frame);

to the Correlator: not less than 20 days before the graduation session (even if in a non-final version).


The final grade is expressed in hundredths with possible addition of honors. The final grade is derived from the sum of two factors:

1) the score based on the PONDERED average of the exams taken in the course of study; 
2) the score assigned to the final exam.

The chairperson of the judging committee is responsible for ensuring the utmost rigor in the application of the scoring criteria to the final examination; details by individual degree program are given below:

Band A: Excellent theses: 9-10;

Band B: good theses: 6-8;

Fascia C: decent theses 3-5;

Band D: 0-2 deficient theses.

Praise is awarded only if the thesis is band A and the discussion excellent.