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Components and minutes


Leonardo Gandini (chair) - Lingue, Culture e Comunicazione

Alessandra Gribaldo - Storia e Culture Contemporanee

Silvia Modena - Languages for Communication in International Enterprises

Giacomo Scarpelli - Antropologia e Storia del mondo contemporaneo


Giacomo Zanni - Lingue e Culture Europee

Sara Fardella - Antropologia e Storia del mondo contemporaneo

Luca Margini - Storia e Cultura Contemporanee

Giorgia Affannato - Languages for Communication in International Enterprises


The faculty-student Joint Commission is appointed by the Department. Its duties are governed by the University Statute and specified by the University Teaching Regulations. Its activities are based on the guidance provided by the University Quality Presidium. In general, the Joint Commission has the following tasks:

- To prepare an annual report, based on an outline provided by the University Quality Presidium, containing observations and proposals for improving the quality of educational activities, assessing in particular:

(a) student satisfaction with different aspects of the educational offerings, including on the basis of the results of the teaching evaluation questionnaires, completed online and made available in disaggregated form by individual teaching;

(b) whether the teaching programs and examination tests are comparable for educational purposes and do not create disparities in the study effort and achievement of educational objectives by the students concerned;

(c) whether the design of the course of study maintains due attention to the functions required by the occupational prospects, whether the expected learning outcomes are effective, and whether the examination methods make it possible to ascertain the results achieved;

(d) whether the review process is followed by corrective action, formulated by also considering the career data of attending students.

- Express opinions on:

a) proposals for the establishment and activation of new courses of study, the modification of existing teaching regulations and the deactivation and/or extinction of courses already activated;

b) calls for and utilization of professor and researcher positions assigned to the Department, collaborating in ensuring the coverage of activated courses and the smooth running of teaching activities.

- Monitor the implementation of corrective actions included in the Annual Review Reports prepared by individual courses of study.

- Monitor and propose solutions for any problems in teaching that emerge during the academic year.